(ages 2 – 3 years)
The Sunrise programs follow a typical school year calendar, beginning in late August and finishing in early June.
Child must be 2 years by September 1st
All toddlers attend Monday through Friday 9am-12pm
Half Day (9am-1pm) and Full Day (9am-3pm) program options available
There are typically between 8-10 children in the class
A trained Montessori teacher is supported by a trained assistant
Potty training is not required
No before or after school childcare is available for toddlers
Throughout the year we practice social skills and conversational language, strengthen fine motor skills, expand gross motor abilities, explore the world of science and so much more. The year when your child turns from two to three is a time of immense growth, and a time in which your child is getting ready for the learning that will take place throughout their life.
We are honored to partner with you on this journey and are here to support, guide and to learn from you. Our main goals for your child are to instill a trust in others, a drive for exploration and to form relationships with peers.

Head Teacher